Hi! It's Shen and welcome to my Corner!  So earlier today (actually technically yesterday since it's 12:05 am now) was the 2nd day of a project that is happening at my college.  It's called "No Impact Week" and it is a week dedicated to decreasing our own negative environmental impact.  Today's theme was "Trash" in which the goal was to not create any new trash today.  This meant filling up a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic water bottle and other small changes like that.  This project was inspired by Colin Beavan who organized his own experiment called "No Impact," which would than be made later into a movie, "No Impact Man," starring Beavan.  Basically, the project called for Beavan to phase out, in the course of a year, what he deemed to be inessential for living in order to decrease his impacts on the environment.  This included growing his own food, phasing out gas powered transportation, and eventually, even electricity.  Therefore, tonight, I thought it would be suitable to blog about an entire EXHIBITION that also spreads an environmental message keeping in mind today's theme of "Trash." (For more information of the project, here is the link to Beavan's official blog/website http://noimpactman.typepad.com/)

"Washed Ashore" is the name of a traveling exhibit that wishes to spread a powerful environmental message concerning ocean pollution and it does so in a "beautiful and horrifying way" which lead artist Angela Pozzi states.

Here is a glimpse of the exhibit:

Can you tell how this exhibit is linked to issues of ocean pollution? (Besides of course the oceanic theme) The answer lies in what each sculpture is composed of.  There are various animals made up of ocean debris including a seal, shark, starfish, a plastic whale ribcage, and a water bottle sea anemone. Moreover, this display is actually the result of collecting over 11 TONS of beach trash over the course of many years.  How ASTOUNDING!

Not only is this exhibition worth seeing for its educational purposes but aside from the important environmental message, this entire exhibit points out that:

You can make art practically out of anything.  There are NO restrictions and it all depends on how creative YOU want to be!:)And art can be a powerful medium that can influence people or create change.

And as always, for more information on the "Washed Ashore" project here is the link to their website http://washedashore.org/about/team/ and I also got most of my information from a Huffington post article. Link is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/31/washed-ashore-art_n_5420567.html. if you want more information.

Okay, that's all for now! Shen signing off! 


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